I know I know, I've been gone a loooong time. It's been a tornado in my household since having 2 under two & now 3, three & under. Yes, we've added ANOTHER human to our family and it's a boy this time...oh, he's so so cute. See
Let me introduce Daniel Alton. Born on April 6, 2014 at 9lbs 14oz & 2 weeks late just like his sister. It was another almost natural birth, we arrived at the hospital around 3am and I was 9cm already! This big little guy was finally ready to see the world! I had been in labor again for over 2 weeks & begged for an epi when we got to the hospital so I could rest because I was getting no break between contractions. Even though my nurse said i would probably have the baby before it would take, I convinced them to ring the anesthesiologist. I just thought & said "hey, this is the last one, might as well see what it's like!" It was GLORIOUS!! Made me want to have 3 more ;)wink. I knew right then that those meds were straight from heaven & wondered why on earth I thought having 2 completely natural births was ever a good idea. I'm just kidding. I think every woman deserves the right to allow her body to work the way it was designed & birth at least one baby au naturale. It's an amazing experience.
Anyway, my days have been filled with poop, tantrums & sleepless nights for the past 3 yrs so it's been tough to stay on top of the blog. But since I've been gone I've become passionate about health & returning to nature with regards to what we put in our bodies and just living an all around 'of the earth' lifestyle. I can't wait to start up my daily posts again to share these things.
☀️ Keri