Wednesday, June 25, 2014


I love reading Glennons post on I am an honest person to a fault and often get mistaken for being a complainer. I'm not trying to complain I'm just trying to get affirmation from others that I'm not alone when I struggle with being a decent mom. Because parenting is hard! It's not all butterflies & rainbows. It's a no sleep, tantrum filled, dirty floors & clothes, touched out job but I rarely hear from other moms how much they struggle with liking their kids sometimes. So Glennon is a breath of fresh air, read this post when you get a chance,

And I'm adding this post as reference so I don't forget how to handle this situation when the time comes,

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Song of the day

Or maybe it's more accurate to say concert of the day. I love these mini sets from NPR

Oodles o' Noodles

As we are gluten free for health reasons I was excited to get the Against All Grain cookbook from my sister-in-law for my birthday, 

It is full of great recipes but several include veggie noodles so I haven't been able to fully enjoy them, until now. I finally ordered this gadget from Amazon, 
And boy does it make some awesome noodles that trick my kids into eating zucchini...and carrots, and squash & anything else that fits in it.  I've used it almost every day since it arrived. Welcome to the family!!
Photo courtesy of

Saturday, June 21, 2014


Baby boy has finally calmed down enough to let the family go on little adventures around town. He hates the car & usually screams the entire time he's in it, which makes the girls cry, so we were limiting our car time to must do's. We went to the in-laws pool today & he didn't cry during the drive there or back-with me sitting beside him entertaining. And I was able to get into a swimsuit & in the pool with the girls for the first time today, which also happens to be the 1st day of summer. JF committed to staying inside to watch and rock baby boy (& to watch futbol). I love these handsome guys

Tuesday, June 17, 2014


I know I know, I've been gone a loooong time. It's been a tornado in my household since having 2 under two & now 3, three & under. Yes, we've added ANOTHER human to our family and it's a boy this time...oh, he's so so cute. See
Let me introduce Daniel Alton. Born on April 6, 2014 at 9lbs 14oz & 2 weeks late just like his sister. It was another almost natural birth, we arrived at the hospital around 3am and I was 9cm already! This big little guy was finally ready to see the world! I had been in labor again for over 2 weeks & begged for an epi when we got to the hospital so I could rest because I was getting no break between contractions. Even though my nurse said i would probably have the baby before it would take, I convinced them to ring the anesthesiologist. I just thought & said "hey, this is the last one, might as well see what it's like!" It was GLORIOUS!! Made me want to have 3 more ;)wink. I knew right then that those meds were straight from heaven & wondered why on earth I thought having 2 completely natural births was ever a good idea. I'm just kidding. I think every woman deserves the right to allow her body to work the way it was designed & birth at least one baby au naturale. It's an amazing experience.

Anyway, my days have been filled with poop, tantrums & sleepless nights for the past 3 yrs so it's been tough to stay on top of the blog. But since I've been gone I've become passionate about health & returning to nature with regards to what we put in our bodies and just living an all around 'of the earth' lifestyle. I can't wait to start up my daily posts again to share these things.

☀️ Keri