Thursday, June 16, 2011

Song of the Day

Neko - Neko - Neko

My all-time favorite female singer/songwriter is coming to Bama!!  She performed at Austin City Limits a couple of years was the best show of the festival and the only time I've seen Neko live.  We usually have to travel to see our bands and with the baby we definitely can't pick up and go like we used to so I am so excited and can hardly wait for August.  Neko, here I come! Click on the title of this post to go to Neko's website.

Join me to see an awesome artist for a great cause, Tuscaloosa Tornado Relief,

Check her out,

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Divine Design

The Lord designed womens bodies to bring life into this world. Many of us may not utilize that function but many of us do. Each womans view towards childbearing, birth and rearing is her own. We all have the right to receive this gift individually and to follow the path the Lord lays out for us regarding. I am so proud of the women in my life who are firm in their beliefs yet still accept and encourage those that believe different. We all can learn a little from each other without compromising our big picture.